# Quick access to [Resources and Documentation](Resources-and-Documentation)
# Project news
* You will soon be able to [deploy WalT on top of Grid'5000](WalT-on-Grid5000)!
* [WALT version 7](https://github.com/drakkar-lig/walt-project/releases/tag/7.0) is available.
* We are working with Schneider Electric to develop a testing infrastructure based on WALT.
* We presented WalT at [SILECS 2019 workshop (FR)](https://www.silecs.net/tilecs-2019/programme/) and as a follow-up colleagues from the [LIP lab](http://www.ens-lyon.fr/LIP/) installed their own WALT platform.
* [WiSH-WalT project](WiSH-WalT): learn how we combined WALT with the WiSHFUL framework for LoRa experiments. [Click here.](WiSH-WalT)
* Our WALT demo received the **Best Demo Award** of [INFOCOM CNERT 2016](http://www.eng.usf.edu/~xiongk/cnert2016)!
# Introducing WALT
You want a highly configurable platform for network experiments?
[Get in touch with us](project#contact) and **build your own WALT plaform!**

A WALT platform mainly provides:
* full **remote control** over nodes (rebooting, remote shell sessions, deploying OS images),
* compatibility with various kinds of nodes:
- **Raspberry Pi** B/B+/2B/3B/3B+/4B nodes
- **PC** nodes booted from a USB dongle
- **virtual nodes**
- **distant Raspberry Pi nodes** using WALT ssh-based VPN
* **management of node OS images** (clone them from the docker hub, modify them, etc.),
* means to collect, store and query **experiment logs**,
* platform topology **automated discovery**.
A WALT platform is cost-effective, easy to install, easy to use, lightweight, versatile and collaborative.
[**Contact Us!**](Project-Info#contact) © LIG lab 2016 - 2021 - Funded by Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble INP / UJF, AGIR 2013-2014 |
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